KBA (Koenig & Bauer) Rapida 105-5 (2005)


KBA (Koenig & Bauer) Rapida 105-5 (2005)


Offset 5 color

KBA Rapida 105-5

Year: 2005

Number of impressions (mio): 119

Machine control

- ColorTronic

- DensiTronic

- CX Package


- Suction feeder table

- Double sheet control

- Steel plate in feeder

Printing units

- Number of printing unit(s): 5

- Straight machine

- PWHA Semi Automatic Plate Change

- Varidamp dampening

- Automatic inking roller washing device

- Automatic blanket washing device

- Automatic impression cylinder washing device

- Combiliner Baldwin refrigeration and recirculation

- AlcoSmart

- Ink temperature control

- Powder spray


- Cabinets air cooled

- Compressed air compressor, excluded